Why does the price change depending on whether I am logged in or not?

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Bittylicious offers coins at a set price, with minimum and maximum amounts of coins Bittylicious is willing to trade.

However, in some instances, you may be able to buy more coins when you are logged in, as opposed to when you are logged out. This is because the price is based on the maximum number of coins you are permitted to buy.

For example, if you were allowed to buy 5 Bitcoins when logged in and only 1 Bitcoin when logged out, there could be a seller offering a minimum of 2 Bitcoins for a cheaper price than a seller offering any amount of Bitcoins. This would mean that the price is cheaper when you are logged in. The converse would be true of the seller offered a cheap price for a maximum of 2 Bitcoins.

If you, for example, attempted to buy 2 Bitcoins, the price is exactly the same whether you are logged in or logged out. To prove this, type in a figure of 2 in the Number of Bitcoins field and click the green refresh button right next to Get some coins. You will see the price is the same in both situations.