Getting verified guide

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Getting a fully verified account at Bittylicious is very easy and enables you to have higher purchasing limits and get better prices.

We recommend all customers go through the verification process and if you choose to do this, we require documentation in the form of one proof of name and one proof of address. We store all documents securely and have a data protection registration.

Step 1 - Register new account

First, go to the registration page. This should look like the below:

Registration page

Fill in the following information:

  • Type of account:
    • Personal (for most normal accounts)
    • Corporate (if you are trading as a company or sole trader).
  • Email address: Your real email address.
  • Password: A secure password, either very long or with numbers and letters. This cannot be a regularly used password on the Internet, like password123456.
  • Full, real name: Your real name. Please do not put in a fake name - it will be detected.

Make sure you tick on the box saying you agree with the terms and conditions and then click Register.